
Consent, as a rule and value, is paramount to the security of our users and integrity of our platform.

We require all uploaders to affirm they have obtained and maintain valid consent and proper release documentation for all persons featured in all content uploaded to the platform. In addition, content must adhere to our Terms of Service.

Content that we identify as a violation of our Non-Consensual Content Policy will be removed, and the associated user’s account actioned accordingly.

What is considered a violation of our non-consensual content policy:

The recording or distribution of intimate images (that is, photos and videos that are generally understood to depict explicit sexual activity or nudity or partial nudity) without someone’s consent is a violation of that person’s privacy and is a severe violation of our Terms of Service, and is strictly prohibited. Content featuring or promoting non-consensual acts, real or simulated, is also prohibited.


Do NOT use the platform to upload, post, or otherwise share explicit images or videos that were taken, appear to have been taken or that were shared without the consent of the people involved. Examples of the types of content that violate this policy include, but are not limited to*:

  • Videos or photos of any person, whether in a public or private setting, without that person’s valid written consent (such as hidden/spy camera content, or up-skirt content);
  • Sharing explicit sexual images of someone else without their valid written consent (this would include, namely: non-consensual distribution of intimate images, also commonly referred to as “revenge porn”);
  • Sharing non-sexually explicit images of someone else without their valid written consent);
  • “Doxing”, defined as exposing private and identifying information about a particular individual, including phone number, e-mail, address, or full name.

To help protect the integrity of the platform, we also prohibit content, including fictional, simulated, or animated, that features or depicts*:

  • Depictions of non-consensual sexual activity*, including forced sexual acts, rape, or sexual assault;
  • Persons appearing drugged, incapacitated, or intoxicated** involved in sexual acts;
  • Any “deepfakes” whatsoever (manipulating a person’s image, whether in picture or video, to deceive or mislead the viewer into believing that person is acting or speaking in the way presented, absent artistic merit).

* See our section below on Sensitive Themes and Considerations for Consent.

** Intoxicated (including pretending to be) means a state induced by alcohol or drugs, whether legal, illicit, or recreational as determined by Youporn in its sole discretion, such that a performer’s judgment appears to the reasonable observer as objectively impaired.